
Infographic In Nursing Research


A  NARRATIVE ESSAY ON DISSEMINATION PHASE ClipArt Source: (Vector Stock)   Dissemination is a planned process that involves consideration of target audiences and the settings in which research findings are to be received. And with that, there are few things to consider in the dissemination plan such as the objectives, audience, timeline, and resources.   Objectives are the things you want to achieve. The audience is to identify your audience/s so that you know who you will need to influence to maximize the uptake of the research. Timeline is to when will the dissemination of activity occur? And resources refer to the expertise you have in your research team and whether you need additional help with the dissemination.   In the dissemination phase, there are also principles and strategies to simply get the findings of your research to the people who can as well make use of them, to maximize the benefit of the research without delay.   The principles of the dissemination phase include sta

A Blog About Application of Data Gathering Procedures, Proper Literature Review and Annotated Bibliography, and Tools/Methods to Measure Instrumentation

The Application of Data Gathering Procedures, Proper Literature Review and Annotated Bibliography, and Tools/Methods to Measure Instrumentation ClipArt Source: (VectorStock) Doing a research study isn’t actually effortless. It is a laborious task in which compels a bunch of reading, interpreting, and analyzing new information, reshaping the proposed research question, and begin again. That is why, when applying the research procedures it is inevitable to have errors while in the process of fulfilling the study. In this blog, it will primarily introduce what was learned based on personal experience about the application of data gathering procedures, proper writing of literature review and annotated bibliography, and discovering tools or methods to measure instrumentation.   Application of Data Gathering Procedure ClipArt Source: (VectorStock) The data gathering procedure is the technique used to obtain the information to validate the claims made by the researcher. And data gathering is

A Blog About A Brief Summary Of Empirical Phase

  ClipArt Source: (VectorStock) Empirical Phase A Summary From Grace R. Abad's Nursing Research II - Apply and Disseminate The third phase of the research process is called the empirical phase. The empirical phase is mainly all about the collection of data. There are major three things to keep in mind about data collection in the empirical phase.  First, in the collection of data during a research study, the researcher will establish plans as well as specifying the procedure for data collection to answer the when, where, how, and from whom questions. Second, the researcher must ensure the utmost confidentiality of the selected respondents from the data being collected. And third, within this process, the research study also involves clerical and administrative works from the collection of data.   The empirical phase is also important of the research process since in this phase is the extraction of the  conclusion of the research study that is drawn from empirical evidence, to have

Research Design and Planning Phase - Reflection Paper

A Reflection Paper On The Second Phase Of The Research Process ClipArt Source: (VectorStock)      In doing research, certain pre-determined steps need to be followed so that the study will progress in a logical sequence. These pre-determined steps in a research study are composed of five (5) phases; the conceptual phase, design, and planning phase, empirical phase, analytical phase, and the dissemination phase. Each of these steps has a substantial function and purpose that toils concurrently hand-in-hand that navigates the researcher towards his/her research endeavor. In this reflective paper, exclusively the research design and planning phase will be highlighted. The research design and planning phase is the second part of the research process. This phase is a valuable part of research since in this phase, the researcher will going to select a specific research design, identify the population to be studied, specify the material and methods of research variables used, designing the sa

An Essay About The Research Design - Chosen Research Design For Our Research Group

Source: (Oregon Center for Nursing) About The Research Design           Accomplishing definite research compels a plan that constitutes a type of conceptual structure. The conceptual structure or framework serves as a support and that guides in answering the questions in the research. This conceptual structure will be the research design. The research design will present the overall research on how it will be conducted in accomplishing the research. More so, the content of the research design will observe a particular pattern to which conveys an actuality of the study.  Source: (KindPNG) Types Of Research Designs           In making research, part of the process is to select an applicable research design that will coincide with the objectives of the study and the nature of the research. With that, there are numerous types when selecting a suitable research design. And these are historical research design, case study, descriptive research, causal research design, longitudinal research d

A Descriptive Blog On Research Problem Statement

A research problem statement is a statement that is used in research to describe or explain an issue and raises questions that the research will aim to address by the study. It is usually written in a single sentence consisting of a general problem statement succeeded by a sub-problem statement. Two Steps On Writing Research Problem Statement 1. Must convincingly specify the central variables —measurable. 2. Likely ends with a question — measurable relationship and indicating the population Three Essential Elements of Research Problem Statement 1. The problem is expressed in a clear manner with sufficient details to affirm its importance. 2. Stated as a hypothesis in solving the problem 3. Must be brief and that a single page is already enough — purpose, statement of objective, and the proposed scope of the project Three Standards In Making A Research Problem Statements 1. Specify what is to be investigated 2. It can possibly be declarative or interrogative 3. Indicate the variables of

A Blog About The Phases of Research Process

The First Phase Formulating and delimitating the problem where it contains a reasonable clinical significance, practicability, and appease the ethical proportion. Reviewing the related literature where it provides the core upon which to base the current knowledge. Defining the theoretical framework where it is used as the source for generating forecasts that can be tested through empirical research. And formulating a hypothesis where it predicts the outcomes. The Second Phase Selecting the research design is used to address the research question. Identification of the population to be studied. Specification of materials and methods of research variables. Designing the sampling which utilizes many tools to obtain the sample. Finalizing in reviewing the research plan before the actual implementation. And conducting a pilot study to classify the adequacy of data and doing revision to convert collected data into the easy form and then organizes it into meaningful categories. The Third Phas