A Blog About Application of Data Gathering Procedures, Proper Literature Review and Annotated Bibliography, and Tools/Methods to Measure Instrumentation

The Application of Data Gathering Procedures, Proper Literature Review and Annotated Bibliography, and Tools/Methods to Measure Instrumentation

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Doing a research study isn’t actually effortless. It is a laborious task in which compels a bunch of reading, interpreting, and analyzing new information, reshaping the proposed research question, and begin again. That is why, when applying the research procedures it is inevitable to have errors while in the process of fulfilling the study. In this blog, it will primarily introduce what was learned based on personal experience about the application of data gathering procedures, proper writing of literature review and annotated bibliography, and discovering tools or methods to measure instrumentation.


Application of Data Gathering Procedure

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The data gathering procedure is the technique used to obtain the information to validate the claims made by the researcher. And data gathering is important because it will interpret the research objectives into specific questions so that the responses will provide the data required to achieve the research objectives. This can be attained through identifying topics for collecting data and deciding what next efforts to take. Then choosing priority topics for collecting data, and then developing goals and objectives. Followed by deciding who will be surveyed, how data will be collected, the sources of data that will be used, and the duration of the data collection, among other questions. Then after that, is to collect the data either qualitatively or quantitatively. And lastly, analyze and interpret the data being collected.


Proper Writing of Literature Review and Annotated Bibliography

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A literature review furnishes an overview of current knowledge, that allows in recognizing relevant theories, methods, and gaps in the existing research. It involves finding relevant publications such as books and journal articles by critically analyzing them and explaining what has been found. So to best write a literature review, one must browse literature relevant to the study, evaluate the sources found, identify and group them thematically to outline the structure, and then write the literature review that contains an introduction (that establishes the focus and purpose of the literature review), the main body (that have the synthesis, analyzation, and evaluation), and then a conclusion (that summarizes the key findings taken from the literature).


An annotated bibliography is a list of citations to books, articles, and documents with a brief descriptive and evaluative paragraph to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited. To properly write an annotated bibliography, it is reasonable to locate and record citations to books, periodicals, and documents that may contain useful information and ideas on the chosen topic. Then briefly examine and review the actual items to provide a variety of perspectives on a certain topic. Never forget to cite the book, article, or document using the appropriate style. Then lastly, write a concise annotation that summarizes the central theme and scope of the book or article.


Tools or Methods to Measure Instrumentation

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The [research] instrument is the general term that researchers use for a measurement device such as survey, test, questionnaire, and among others. The favorable way to measure the research instrument is to examine if it is based on a conceptual framework or that the researcher's understanding of how the particular variables in the study connect with each other, gathered data is suitable for and relevant to the research topic, can test hypothesis and/or answer the proposed research questions under investigation, free of bias and appropriate for the context of the study, contains clear and definite instructions to use the instrument, and most importantly valid and reliable. 


Cornell University Library. (2020, December 3). LibGuides: How to Prepare an Annotated Bibliography: The Annotated Bibliography. https://guides.library.cornell.edu/annotatedbibliography#:%7E:text=An%20annotated%20bibliography%20is%20a%20list%20of%20citations,relevance%2C%20accuracy%2C%20and%20quality%20of%20the%20sources%20cited.

Elite Essay Writers. (2017, October 2). How to Write a Literature Review. Eliteessaywriters.Com. https://eliteessaywriters.com/blog/how-to-write-a-literature-review/#:%7E:text=A%20well-written%20literature%20review%20should%20provide%20your%20readers,explanation%20and%2C%20above%20all%2C%20it%20should%20have%20substance.

McCombes, S. (2021, March 9). How to write a literature review. Scribbr. https://www.scribbr.com/dissertation/literature-review/

Ontario Human Rights Commission. (n.d.). 6. What is involved in collecting data – six steps to success | Ontario Human Rights Commission. http://www.ohrc.on.ca/en/count-me-collecting-human-rights-based-data/6-what-involved-collecting-data-%E2%80%93-six-steps-success

Santiaguel-Pajarillaga, S. S. (2016, September 8). Data gathering tools and uses. SlideShare. https://www.slideshare.net/flairsantiaguelpajarillaga/data-gathering-tools-and-uses

Stones, P. (2014, November 11). MasterPapers.com | Why You Should Read a Data Gathering Procedure Example. MasterPapers. https://www.masterpapers.com/blog/data-gathering-procedure

Teachers College, Columbia University. (n.d.). Research Instrument Examples. Tc.Columbia.Edu. https://www.tc.columbia.edu/media/administration/institutional-review-board-/irb-submission---documents/Published_Study-Material-Examples.pdf



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